What is oop?

          Object oriented programming is an approach that provide a way of modelling program by creating partition memory area for both data and function that can be used as as templates for creating copies officers modulus on demand.

      The major features of oop are----

1. Emphasis is on data rather than prosedure.
2. Follows bottom up programming approach.
3. Data is hiding and cannot be accessed by external function (data encapsulation).
4. Program are divided into object.
5. Object may communicate with each other thought function.
6. Automatic initialisation of object.
7. Automatic clear up of object.
8. Polymorphism.
9. Inheritance.
10. Templates.

What is pop?

       Procedure oriented programming basically consists of write a list of instruction for the computer of follow, and organising these instruction into group known as function. Generally flow chat is used to organises this action of procidure oriented program.

         The major features of pop are----
1. Emphasis is on procidure.( Algorithm rather then data).
2. Follows top down programming approach.
3. Large program divided into small program, known as function.
4. Data move openly around the system from one function to another.
5. Most of the function share global data.
6. Function transfer data from one form to another.